The proceedings of the conference will be published in Applied Radiation and Isotopes. The manuscripts, exclusively in English, will comply with the guidelines of the journal, which will be sent to the authors together with the information on the acceptance of the work. The acceptance of a work for presentation at the conference does not imply its publication in this journal. The publication of manuscripts will be subject to the result of a strict arbitration procedure. Those works accepted for presentation in the conference, but not for publication in Applied Radiation and Isotopes, will be published In the ICRM Technical Series, uploaded to the NIST web page ( Some preliminary works of interest for the ICRM community could be accepted just for presentation as poster without publication.
Instructions to ARI authors for submission:
- Manuscripts can be submitted NOW via EVISE and following the rules given below
- The submission website for this journal is located at:
- To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors select the name of the special issue when they upload their manuscripts. For it, please, choose VSI: ICRM 2019.
- Manuscripts must be submitted in English and must comply with the guidelines given here and in the ARI guide for authors: or the author information pack. Note that Elsevier allows for LATEX or Word documents.
- Statements of numerical results (e.g., activities, decay-scheme data, etc.) must conform to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (JCGM 100:2008; see An uncertainty budget must be given. Do not communicate confidence limits but only coverage factors. Quantities and units must comply with The International System of Units (see For papers reporting nuclear data, a covariance matrix will also be required when appropriate.
Instructions to TS authors for submission:
- Manuscripts in WORD format can be NOW submitted to
- Manuscripts must be submitted in English and must comply with the guidelines given in the ARI guide for authors:
- Statements of numerical results (e.g., activities, decay-scheme data, etc.) must conform to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (JCGM 100:2008; see An uncertainty budget must be given. Do not communicate confidence limits but only coverage factors. Quantities and units must comply with The International System of Units (see For papers reporting nuclear data, a covariance matrix will also be required when appropriate.